These balloons are the perfect proposal for a wonderful decoration at any bachelorette party!
The 2 balloons are white with the phrase "Bride to be" in pink, the other 2 balloons are pink, the 1 balloon is rose gold and finally the 1 balloon is white with many lips..
Each pack contains 6 balloons
Dimensions : ~ 30cm
These balloons can be inflated with air or helium.
*The balloons are sent packaged, not inflatted.
Inflate the balloons using pump or helium.
If you inflate the balloon with air, it will not float! If you inflate the balloon with helium it will float for a few hours.
Inflate your balloons only the size stated on the package of balloons, do not overinflate.
Once inflated rub the balloon gently with a wool cloth to create static electricity.
If filled with air most the confetti will stick to the sides. If filled with helium some confetti will stick to the sides and some will pool in the bottom of the balloon, creating a pretty layer.
Bear in mind that confetti filled balloons will float for less time than a standard helium balloon, due to the weight of the confetti inside, so inflate the balloons as near to your event as possible.